okay people, this is my first post ever so bear with me. I know I promised not to complain because I DID actually know what i was geting myself into when I married Mr. Wonderful....but....WAHHHHHHH!!!! I have alot to get off my chest, so here it goes....
everything is not so bad, not as bad as it can be, not as bad as it was before we PCS'd...right? Being paid $20 in the span of 3 months isnt so bad...it's better than nothing right? And the fact that they didnt even have me on record as his spouse wasn't so bad....once they got it fixed...2 months later....right??? RIGHT??? HELLO??? Anyone THERE??? *hears echos*........
yeah, funny, Haha. So this whole election/Bush/Kerry thing is pissin me off. Yeah, I am Republican and YES I am votin for Bush. I happen to think Kerry will say ANYTHING to get his "I married a trillionaire and I have so much stinkin money I can do anything! BWAHAHAAA!!!" booty into office....Well...I love Bush, he is the reason I get paid $800 a mth to go to school, he is the reason I didnt end up homeless when my ex left me and our daughter, he is the reason I can stay in school, he is the reason my dad can afford to help me and help himself while getting the best medical coverage, he is the reason I am such a proud American, he is the reason my current husband joined up and is proudly serving his country. Say all the bad things you want about Bush, but it won't change my vote or the fact that he saved my life and my future.
I want to know where all the other Army wives are...are they hiding in a hut on base or something? Where are all the "friendly" ones I have heard so much about? You know...the ones who throw the welcome wagon on your doorstep and invite you to all the Army wives book club gatherings....and so what if I am a closet Martha Stewart/Oprah/secretly wishes she had all her stuff together/ person?......so far all I have seen are the ones who are 9 mths pregnant, dressed like it's SUMMER when it's the middle of WINTER, in their mini-skirts and boob-popping tank tops, OR.....I have seen the ones with about 7 phuck-trophies in tow lookin like she just rolled out of bed.....no offense to anyone, it just doesn't seem like someone I wanna hang with, since she probably hasn't had time to brush her hair OR her teeth with so many kids!!
I am just poppin ONE MORE rugrat out and that is IT for me! Maybe in about 5 yrs once I am done with school.....but no more kids for now, I have my hands full as it is with the two I have. One lives in another state with the EX and the other stays with me. I will rant about that whole situation on another post....