grandma did it
mom did it
I did it
now my 15, 17 yr old cousins are about to do it, I see it coming and it's only a matter of time. How do we stop it? I mean, there are only so many lectures you can give to a teenage girl. They are going to do it even more when you tell them not to do it. Having sex at a young age, having babies when you are still babies, running off with Mr. Wonderful only to find out he was a total schmuck....sound familiar? All the women in my family are following in those footsteps and try as we might, the cycle never ends.
At times I say to myself, "Who the hell are YOU to be lecturing?" .
I have been there, done that, got the T-shirt....
but what if.....
what if THEY happen to make it work?
what if they can do what we couldn't?
Call me naive but I wish I could just stand back and wait to see if they can do it
does breathing down their necks and nagging them to death REALLY work?
or does it drive them away into rebellion?
Boy, oh boy did it drive my lil Miss Know-it-all butt away!
does anyone even know the right way to stop the nonesense?
I have seen strict, I have seen overly strict, I have seen kids walk all over their parents, I have seen all types of parenting.....only to see the cycle go on. and on. and on and on and on...........