This is a 2 part blog about ...1)the amazing number of gadgets there are in the world today and 2) the crazy things you can go to school for .....
Part 1
The latest gadget that I have noticed is the the one that turns TV's
Listen people...I have enough trouble fighting over one clicker with my hubbie...I don't need another...especially if it's gonna cost me $30 to buy, and has only ONE function! OFF!
We recently moved from NC to WA and I had to give away most of my kitchen gadgets. This is where it gets good n'funny!
There I was, sifting through all my kitchen stuff with my new redneck inlaws( God Bless them!!) and they held gadget after gadget up and asked me...well, what the heck is this doohicky fer? I named them off....salad spinner, garlic crusher, oven mitt, butter spreader, corncob holders complete with trays shaped like corn to catch melted butter, a NONION which is a piece of metal shaped like a bar of soap that removes offending odors from your hands if your "wash" your hands with it under cold running water....Oh LORDY did that last one throw them for a loop!
After the whole sifting fiasco I realized hw many gadgets I actually own and need to goodness! My drawers of doohickies and thingamajigs are overwhelming but I can't bring myself to do without them!! Does anyone else have any weird gadgets that they want to confess to owning? I would LOVE to hear them all!
Part 2
Did you know you can't get a Government grant to study religion but you can get one to learn how to make pornos??? I blame that whole separation of church and state thing for this........
Did you know that you can go to school to learn how to be a:
Bomb maker
Mail distributor
Weapons Systems repairman
Foreign Service officer working for an ambassador
and pretty much any other job as long as it doens't have anything to do with religion......
Since when did spiritual guidance become less important to us all? Is it any less admirable to want to provide such an important service to those needing it most? at a time when we need it the most? Am I making any sense to anyone??