Please don't feed the animals! I didn't know animals liked wearing high heeled shoes at 4 am and stomping up and down the hallway stairs... I hear them breeding in the back room like the wild animals I think they are they howl in the night like that old lady with the bad back... The lead female certainly looks like she can eat her share of bananas but she doesn't eat them for the potassium..... Wild hair, high heels, like to stomp early and late set the bananas out, then sneak awa...
I saw it yesterday when you were playing with your granddaughter I saw it when you were in the hospital having seizures I see it when you're not looking when you go back home to your reclusive hideaway your pain will linger in my head you will leave half of it behind with me even though you don't think i see I think of it and hurt alongside you I see your pain, my one and only daddy I just wish I could take it all away instead of letting it infect you all over Pain in the head
grandma did it mom did it I did it now my 15, 17 yr old cousins are about to do it, I see it coming and it's only a matter of time. How do we stop it? I mean, there are only so many lectures you can give to a teenage girl. They are going to do it even more when you tell them not to do it. Having sex at a young age, having babies when you are still babies, running off with Mr. Wonderful only to find out he was a total schmuck....sound familiar? All the women in my family are following in th...
Has the world gone completely insane? the water is cleaner today than the day GW took office the AIR is cleaner today than when GW took office... OMG! OMG!OMG!! I cannot believe ppl are putting up billboards like that! Is kerry behind this? if he is...then I was right about him....he will say or do anything to get into office! Blaming our President for Global Warming.....hmmm. well, let me give yall a lil insight... Global Warming started WAY before most of us were born! GW ...
alrighty then! My hubbie calls me from the field and tells me that one of his fellow soldiers "caught" his wife cheating.....then says if I ever cheat on him he'd kill me and go straight to prison! LOL...he says this in a loving way, I swear it! his own dumb redneck way..... Now I ask myself, why would someone get married, then cheat on the poor guy?? I was married for eight damn years to a total schmuck...I never cheated! Not even once! I didnt even consider's just not...
Hubbie calls from the field says he has to do KP wakes up at 3am then he gets to sleep....ALL DAMN DAY! he is gone to this notorious "field" doing KP for a month.... THEN... he has the nerve to come home and say he is "Plum WORE OUT" OMFG!!! DID I JUST HEAR THAT CORRECTLY??? It's a GOOD thing men don't have to do the Baby-birthin or the breastfeedin' because we would be starving, sick and going into EXTINCTION!!!!!!! This crap kills me, and ALL men do this! Deny all you want ...
My prayers have been answered and the American people have spoken.... Thank God Kerry didnt pull an "I demand a recount cause i got money"........ Kerry was , is and always will be a loser, a pansy, married to a rich idiotic bitch . Thank God for conservative Republicans...the silent majority in our country. if you have any doubt, look at the way the voting went!!! okay, enough about my politics...... OMFG...I think i have a stalker from India on here and I don't know ho...